Sunday, October 30, 2016

10. Host Post, Halloween 2016

Hello again Boils and Ghouls! Gragma here!

Well, we made it another year! A big fat thank you to the thinning few but faithful! Apologies for not having a new detailed entry up these past few months. I've been taking a rest since the series on Taiji and am getting used to the downtime a little too much. Hope to have at least one more up by the end of the year!

Things have been chugging along on the tour bus. Though it's not overwhelming yet, the level of detail for each site has started to bog things down a bit. I wanted to expand the master lists a lot more this year, but I ended up working on longer entries like Omiwa Shrine and the series on Taiji instead. This saw the master lists shunted to one side. I think the topics covered in the posts were interesting ones, but people waiting on more traditional yokai must be wondering where my priorities are at. Don't worry, my intention is to include those as well, and I'm hoping to get back to basics in 2017.

I've also changed my policy in regards to including photos. More and more I'm taking pictures of things so as not to forget certain details, and some of the pics have been good enough to go up on the blog. Still, when there's not much to see, don't be surprised if all you get is a map and a Google street view!

All the best for a spooky yokai-filled Halloween! Still taking requests!

Driver Gragma (yokaitourbus "at" mail "dot" com)